Remembering the Ides of March, the famous date on which the Roman politician, general, and dictator Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C.
🖋 🗡 WONDERFUL WORDS: The Ides of March
“And if you can’t curb your ambitions, / at least pursue them hesitantly, cautiously. / And the higher you go, / the more searching and careful you need to be.” (Our admonitory homeschool poem-of-the-week, from Constantine Cavafy, for the Ides of March. Beware!)
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Crows and Jays (Part I)
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the Crows and Jays (Part I), garrulous residents of town and country.
📡 JOIN A CITIZEN-SCIENCE PROJECT for Einstein’s Birthday
You and your young science students can join the search for undiscovered pulsars in deep space, right from the comfort of your own homeschool living room. (Really!) How cool is that?
🌍 🇲🇺 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Aapravasi Ghat in Mauritius
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the historic Aapravasi Ghat (immigration depot) in Mauritius.
📜 HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY LESSONS: A Free Course on the Book of Kells
Here’s a treat for homeschool history and art students: a free course on one of the world’s most famous books, The Book of Kells, from Trinity College in Ireland.
🗡 HOMESCHOOL HISTORY & LITERATURE: ”Beware the Ides of March“
Let Shakespeare help you and your students remember one of the most famous dates in ancient history: the Ides of March in 44 B.C.
🗓 QUICK FRESHES for Homeschool Families – Week of 10 March 2024
Great homeschool teaching tips and wonderful little lessons for the week ahead, including: Unheeded warnings, Einsteinian birthdays, liberated cities, Irish celebrations, rocket revolutions, Mauritian waterfalls, a toast to cleverness, and more!
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Texas, Malta, Mauritius, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Texas, Malta, the Marshall Islands, Mauritania, and Mauritius. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🎻 HOMESCHOOL MUSIC: Introducing Barber’s Adagio and Agnus Dei
Today is the birthday of the great American classical composer Samuel Barber (1910–1981). Introduce your homeschool students to one of his most famous works this week and give them a new treasure for life.
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Sirius and Canis Major for March
Make the acquaintance of the brilliant nearby star Sirius, “the dog star,” in the constellation Canis Major this month — the brightest star in earth’s night sky — and make it your homeschool friend for life.
🖋 🔭 WONDERFUL WORDS: When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer
“Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself, / In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time, / Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.” (Our contrary homeschool poem-of-the-week, from Walt Whitman, for John Herschel and Albert Einstein.)
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Shrikes and Vireos
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the predatory Shrikes and the plain but voluble Vireos.
🌍 🇲🇼 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: Lake Malawi National Park in Malawi
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: Lake Malawi National Park in Malawi.
📚 LEARNING THE LIBRARY: The Scientific 500s
Explore your local library and the whole universe of knowledge with our homeschool tour of the Dewey Decimal System. This month: the Scientific 500s.
📸 PHOTO CHALLENGE for March: “Courthouse” and “Gray”
Calling all homeschool photographers! The Wikimedia Commons Photo Challenge is a great way for enthusiastic homeschool photography students to develop their skills and gain some recognition for their work. This month’s themes are “Courthouse” and “Gray.” Take a look!
🗓 QUICK FRESHES for Homeschool Families – Week of 3 March 2024
Great homeschool teaching tips and wonderful little lessons for the week ahead, including: Leonine terms, amazing artists, skeptical poems, brilliant stars, Dewey decimals, time warps, Malian rivers, a toast to the Alamo, and more!
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Florida, Malawi, Mali, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Florida, Malawi, Malaysia, the Maldives, and Mali. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌏 🌑 🌞 HOMESCHOOL SCIENCE: Solar Eclipse on 8 April 2024
Invite your young homeschool astronomers to view the solar eclipse coming up on Monday, 8 April 2024, all across North America.
🔭 WATCHERS OF THE SKIES: Homeschool Astronomy for March
Our homeschool review of the educational wonders that you and your students can watch for in the northern hemisphere night sky during the month of March.
🖋 🏔 WONDERFUL WORDS: Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
“The river is moving. / The blackbird must be flying.” (Our imagistic homeschool poem-of-the-week, from Wallace Stevens, for the earliest birds of spring.)
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Tyrant Flycatchers and Becards
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the Tyrant Flycatchers and the Becards.
🗓 🌱 🐰 HAPPY HOMESCHOOL MARCH from the River Houses!
Happy homeschool March! Here are some little lessons, teaching traditions, and wonderful educational opportunities you and your students can watch for this month.
🗓 🦁 LEO TERM and the River Houses Homeschool Year
We divide the homeschool year into four three-month terms in the River Houses. Today is the first day of Leo Term, our spring term, named for the Great Lion of the Heavens. Leo Term runs from March through May.
🌍 🇱🇺 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Old City of Luxembourg
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the Old Quarters and Fortifications of Luxembourg City.
🚀 🌕 FLY YOUR HOMESCHOOL to the Moon (Really!)
Your homeschool can fly along on NASA’s VIPER mission to the moon this year. Here’s how to add your name. (Deadline 15 March 2024.)
🌍 🇱🇸 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: Maloti-Drakensberg Park in Lesotho
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: Maloti-Drakensberg Park in Lesotho.