Our annual homeschool tour of all the birds of North America is complete! Take a look back this week at all the wonderful feathered friends we made, and be sure to tune in next month for a new round of avian explorations for the new homeschool year that begins in September.
🦅 Friday Bird Families: A Homeschool Introduction to American Birds
Easy homeschool lessons on the birds of North America, from the River Houses Homeschool Network. Follow this miniature curriculum for just a few minutes each week with a standard bird guide, and over the course of the year you’ll enlarge your students’ understanding of science, natural history, geography, and more. Print your own River Houses Calendar of American Birds on our homeschool calendar page, and subscribe to our free homeschool newsletter to get more posts like these delivered right to your mailbox every week. 📫
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Accidental and Extinct Species (To Close the Year)
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week we wrap up the year with a look at a number of accidental and extinct North American birds from your bird guide’s appendix.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Blackbirds, Meadowlarks, Orioles, and Allies
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the familiar and widespread Blackbirds, Meadowlarks, Orioles, Grackles, Cowbirds, and their allies.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Cardinals, Grosbeaks, and Allies
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the brilliant Cardinals and their allies, including the American Tanagers, Grosbeaks, and Buntings.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Emberizid Sparrows (Part II)
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the diverse and ubiquitous Emberizid Sparrows (Part II).
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Emberizid Sparrows (Part I)
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the diverse and ubiquitous Emberizid Sparrows (Part I).
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Tropical Tanagers and the Western Spindalis
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the tropical Tanagers and the peculiar Western Spindalis.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Wood-Warblers (Part II)
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the tiny and colorful Wood-Warblers (Part II).
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Wood-Warblers (Part I)
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the tiny and colorful Wood-Warblers (Part I).
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Finches, Longspurs, and Snow Buntings
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the small and familiar Fringillid Finches, and the Longspurs and Snow Buntings.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Wagtails and Pipits
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the ground-loving Wagtails and Pipits.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Indigobirds, Old World Sparrows, and Allies
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the Indigobirds and Whydahs, the Weavers, the Estrildid Finches, and the Old World Sparrows.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Bulbuls, Starlings, Waxwings, and Allies
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the Bulbuls, Starlings, Waxwings, Silky-Flycatchers, Olive Warblers, and Accentors.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Mockingbirds, Catbirds, and Thrashers
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the loquacious Mockingbirds, Catbirds, and Thrashers.
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the melodious Thrushes.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Sylviid Warblers and Allies
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the Sylviid Warblers, Leaf Warblers, Grasshopper-Warblers, and Old World Flycatchers and Chats.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Gnatcatchers, Dippers, & Kinglets
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the tiny Gnatcatchers, Dippers, and Kinglets.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Nuthatches, Creepers, & Wrens
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the small and friendly Nuthatches, Creepers, and Wrens.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Chickadees, Titmice, & Allies
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the friendly and familiar Chickadees, Titmice, and their allies.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Larks and Swallows
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the terrestrial Larks and the aerial Swallows.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Crows and Jays (Part II)
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the garrulous and gregarious Crows and Jays (Part II).
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Crows and Jays (Part I)
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the Crows and Jays (Part I), garrulous residents of town and country.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Shrikes and Vireos
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the predatory Shrikes and the plain but voluble Vireos.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Tyrant Flycatchers and Becards
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the Tyrant Flycatchers and the Becards.