Calling all homeschool photographers! The Wikimedia Commons Photo Challenge is a great way for enthusiastic homeschool photography students to develop their skills and gain some recognition for their work. This month’s themes are “Vertical Lines” and “Flame.” Take a look!
🌕 Lunar Society Bulletins: Citizen-Science Projects for Homeschoolers
“Men work together,” I told him from the heart,
“Whether they work together or apart.”
News about the many independent citizen-science projects in a wide variety of fields that are available to homeschool students. Browse through our whole list of recommended projects to find one that would be a good fit for your family and get started today! And be sure to subscribe to our free homeschool newsletter to get these and other great homeschool teaching opportunities delivered right to your mailbox every week. 📫
❡ Calling all homeschool photographers: One of the special projects we recommend is the Wikimedia Commons Photo Challenge, a monthly opportunity for your homeschool students to improve their photographic skills and submit high-quality images to the public Wikimedia Commons database. We put up a separate post with the current Photo Challenge themes at the beginning of every month. 📸
Our March full-moon report on the many “citizen science” projects around the world that you and your students can participate in from the comfort of your little home academy. Pick one and get started today!
🐦 HOMESCHOOL NATURE NOTES: The Great Backyard Bird Count in Review
Last month’s Great Backyard Bird Count has entered the history books. More than 600,000 people from over 200 countries participated! Were you and your homeschoolers among them?
📡 JOIN A CITIZEN-SCIENCE PROJECT for Einstein’s Birthday
You and your young science students can join the search for undiscovered pulsars in deep space, right from the comfort of your own homeschool living room. (Really!) How cool is that?
📸 PHOTO CHALLENGE for March: “Courthouse” and “Gray”
Calling all homeschool photographers! The Wikimedia Commons Photo Challenge is a great way for enthusiastic homeschool photography students to develop their skills and gain some recognition for their work. This month’s themes are “Courthouse” and “Gray.” Take a look!
🌏 🌑 🌞 HOMESCHOOL SCIENCE: Solar Eclipse on 8 April 2024
Invite your young homeschool astronomers to view the solar eclipse coming up on Monday, 8 April 2024, all across North America.
🚀 🌕 FLY YOUR HOMESCHOOL to the Moon (Really!)
Your homeschool can fly along on NASA’s VIPER mission to the moon this year. Here’s how to add your name. (Deadline 15 March 2024.)