Quick Freshes is our regular Sunday almanac for the homeschool week ahead. Pick one or two (or more!) of the items below each week and use them to enrich your homeschooling schedule. Subscribe to our free homeschool newsletter to get posts like these delivered right to your mailbox once each week. Visit our River Houses calendar page to print your own homeschool calendars and planners for the entire year.
🌠 THE ANNUAL LEONID METEOR SHOWER is peaking this weekend (16–18 November). Unfortunately, the peak this year coincides with a full moon on Friday the 15th that will wash out all but the brightest meteors (that of course is a little lesson for your students in itself). The Leonids are debris from Comet Tempel–Tuttle. For more on meteor showers, turn to pages 130–133 in your backyard astronomy guide.
🇺🇸 OUR STATE-OF-THE-WEEK is North Carolina, and our COUNTRIES are Cyprus 🇨🇾, Czechia (Czech Republic) 🇨🇿, Denmark 🇩🇰, and Djibouti 🇩🇯. (Our separate Sunday States & Countries post for the week went up just a few minutes ago.)
🌖 THE MOON at the beginning of this week is gibbous and waning — a good time for moon watching! (Meteors, not so much.) You can explore the solar system and the features of the moon in your backyard astronomy guide and your homeschool world atlas, and you can learn a host of stellar and lunar facts in the Astronomy section your current world almanac. Browse through our regular homeschool astronomy posts for even more.
🦦 HORACE THE OTTER says your LATIN word for the week is the number decem, which means ten. Write it on your homeschool blackboard and send your students to your family dictionary to see how many related English words they can find. (December, decimal, decimate, decade, and more!)
🗓 TODAY, Sunday (17 November 2024) — Today is the 322nd day of 2024; there are 44 days remaining in this leap year. Learn more about different modern and historical calendars in the Science & Technology section of your recommended world almanac. 📚 Today is the birthday of German mathematician and astronomer August Ferdinand Möbius (1790–1868), the inventor (or discoverer?) of the strip that bears his name. 🥓
Monday (18 November 2024) — Saint Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, the largest church in the world, was consecrated on this day in 1626. 🇻🇦 And today is the birthday of the great American musician Johnny Mercer (1909–1976), lyricist of “Moon River” and many other American standards. 🎼
Tuesday (19 November 2024) — Eight score and one year ago today, Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address. American school children often memorized it once upon a time. Why not read it aloud in your homeschool today — you’ll find the text in your homeschool almanac. 🇺🇸
Wednesday (20 November 2024) — On this day in 1820, an 80-ton sperm whale struck and sank the whaleship Essex about 2000 miles off the west coast of South America. The destruction of the Essex would become one of the inspirations for Herman Melville’s great novel Moby-Dick (1851), and it would be later dramatized in the 2015 film In the Heart of the Sea. 🐳 Today is also the birthday of the American astronomer and cosmologist Edwin Hubble (1889–1953), who vastly enlarged our understanding of the universe. 🔭 And our Wednesday tour of American Heritage Sites this week will take you to Guilford Courthouse National Military Park in North Carolina. 🇺🇸
Thursday (21 November 2024) — On this day in 1905, a technical paper titled “Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy content?” was published in the German science journal Annalen der Physik (Annals of Physics). The author was a 26-year-old patent clerk named Albert Einstein and the paper established that E = mc². ⚛️️
Friday (22 November 2024) — Today is the birthday of the great Victorian writer Mary Ann Evans (1819–1880), better known under the pen name George Eliot. 🖋 Our Friday Bird Families lesson this week will introduce you to the Sandpipers (Part I). Print your own River Houses Calendar of American Birds and follow the flyways with us throughout the year. 🦅 And our homeschool poem-of-the-week for the last week of November is Rowena Bastin Bennett’s “Thanksgiving Magic,” for all Thanksgiving Day cooks from sea to shining sea. Print your own River Houses Poetry Calendar and follow along with us throughout the year. 🍽
Saturday (23 November 2024) — One of the great early masters of polyphonic music, Thomas Tallis, died on this day in 1583. (He was born about 1505 on a date unknown.) Tallis wrote, and his themes inspired, some of the most ethereal music in the world. 🎼
Sunday (24 November 2024) — One of the most influential books ever written, Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, was published on this day in 1859. 🦋 The much loved novel Black Beauty was published on this day in 1877. 🐴 And our Sunday States & Countries for next week will be Rhode Island 🇺🇸, Dominica 🇩🇲, the Dominican Republic 🇩🇴, Ecuador 🇪🇨, and Egypt 🇪🇬.
🥂 🇺🇸 OUR WEEKLY TOAST is for the 161st anniversary of the Gettysburg Address: “A new birth of freedom.”
❡ Toasts can be a wonderful educational tradition for your homeschool lunch or dinner table. We offer one each week — you can take it up, or make up one of your own (“To North American dinosaurs!”), or invite a different person to come up with one for each meal (“To unpredictability in toasting!”). What will you toast in your homeschool this week? 🥂
🌍 🇨🇾 EVERYTHING FLOWS: The island-nation of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean Sea is one of our countries-of-the-week, so our Weekly World River is the Kouris River, one of the longest rivers of Cyprus. You can find its location in your recommended homeschool atlas, and you can read more about it in the Kouris River entry in Wikipedia or perhaps on your next visit to your local library.
![[Weekly World River]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2a/Kouris_Dam_-_overflow_day_8_April_2012.jpg/1024px-Kouris_Dam_-_overflow_day_8_April_2012.jpg)
❡ Children of Ocean: Why not do a homeschool study of world rivers over the course of the year? Take the one we select each week (above), or start with the river lists in the World Exploration & Geography section of your world almanac, and make it a project to look them all up in your atlas, or in a handy encyclopedia either online or on a weekly visit to your local library. A whole world of geographical learning awaits you. 🌎 🌍 🌏
What do you and your students have planned for your homeschool this week? 😊
❡ Lively springs: This is one of our regular “Quick Freshes” posts looking at the homeschool week ahead. Add your name to our River Houses mailing list and get these weekly messages delivered right to your mailbox all through the year. 📫
❡ Homeschool calendars: We have a whole collection of free, printable, educational homeschool calendars and planners available on our main River Houses calendar page. They will help you create a light and easy structure for your homeschool year. Give them a try today! 🗓
❡ Support our work: If you enjoy our educational materials, please support us by starting your regular Amazon shopping from our very own homeschool teaching supplies page. When you click through from our page, any purchase you make earns us a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for helping us to keep going and growing! 🛒
❡ Join us! The aim of the River Houses project is to create a network of friendly local homeschool support groups — local chapters that we call “Houses.” Our first at-large chapter, Headwaters House, is now forming and is open to homeschoolers everywhere. Find out how to become one of our founding members on the Headwaters House membership page. 🏡