“The river is moving. / The blackbird must be flying.” (Our imagistic homeschool poem-of-the-week, from Wallace Stevens, for the earliest birds of spring.)
📖 Homeschool Language & Literature: Easy Lessons for the Whole Year
Thou hast taught me, Silent River!
Many a lesson, deep and long;
Thou hast been a generous giver;
I can give thee but a song.
Great homeschool teaching tips and easy little lessons on language, literature, and poetry from the River Houses Homeschool Network. Subscribe to our free homeschool newsletter to get posts like these delivered right to your mailbox every week, and print your own homeschool poetry calendar for the whole year on our main River Houses calendar page. 😊
❡ Here, said the year: This collection of Language & Literature posts also includes our regular series of Homeschool Poems-of-the-Week. 🖋
🖋 🍂 WONDERFUL WORDS: A Leaf-Treader
“I have been treading on leaves all day until I am autumn-tired. / God knows all the color and form of leaves I have trodden on and mired.” (Our autumnal homeschool poem-of-the-week, from Robert Frost, for the falling leaves.)