Here’s a wintertime poem-of-the-week to tug at your heartstrings: “Ice” by contemporary American poet Gail Mazur (b. 1937), for all homeschool fathers.
In the warming house, children lace their skates,
bending, choked, over their thick jackets.A Franklin stove keeps the place so cozy
it’s hard to imagine why anyone would leave,clumping across the frozen beach to the river.
December’s always the same at Ware’s Cove,the first sheer ice, black, then white
and deep until the city sends trucks of menwith wooden barriers to put up the boys’
hockey rink. An hour of skating after school,of trying wobbly figure-8’s, an hour
of distances moved backwards without falling,then — twilight, the warming house steamy
with girls pulling on boots, their chafed legsaching. Outside, the hockey players keep
playing, slamming the round black puckuntil it’s dark, until supper. At night,
a shy girl comes to the cove with her father.Although there isn’t music, they glide
arm in arm onto the blurred surface together,braced like dancers. She thinks she’ll never
be so happy, for who else will find her graceful,find her perfect, skate with her
in circles outside the emptied rink forever?
Most of our weekly poems are intended as examples for homeschool study, but a few are just for mom and dad to enjoy. Here’s hoping you and your family are enjoying the special warmth that winter brings.
What wonderful words and poetical productions are you and your students studying in your homeschool this Orion Term? 😊
❡ Literary lives: The website of the Poetry Foundation includes biographical notes and examples of the work of many important poets (including Gail Mazur) that are suitable for high school students and homeschool teachers. ✒️
❡ This is a printable lesson: Down at the bottom of this post you’ll find a custom “Print” button that will let you create a neat and easy-to-read copy of this little lesson, and it will even let you resize or delete elements that you may not want or need (such as images or footnotes). Give it a try today! 🖨
❡ Here, said the year: This post is one of our regular homeschool poems-of-the-week. Print your own River Houses Poetry Calendar to follow along with us as we visit fifty of our favorite friends over the course of the year, and add your name to our River Houses mailing list to get posts like these delivered right to your mailbox every week. 📫
❡ Homeschool calendars: We have a whole collection of free, printable, educational homeschool calendars and planners available on our main River Houses calendar page. They will help you create a light and easy structure for your homeschool year. Give them a try today! 🗓
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