Make the acquaintance of the brilliant nearby star Sirius, “the dog star,” in the constellation Canis Major this month — the brightest star in earth’s night sky — and make it your homeschool friend for life.
🌟 Twelve Great Stars for the Homeschool Year
So when at times the mob is swayed
To carry praise or blame too far,
We may choose something like a star
To stay our minds on and be staid.
Little homeschool astronomy lessons and monthly teaching tips on twelve of the brightest stars of the northern-hemisphere night sky — twelve great friends for life — from the River Houses Homeschool Network. Follow this miniature astronomy curriculum for just a few minutes each month to enlarge your students’ understanding of science and the universe. Print your own River Houses Star Calendar on our main calendar page, and subscribe to our free homeschool newsletter to get these and other little homeschool science lessons delivered right to your mailbox every week. 📫
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Betelgeuse and Orion for February
Make the acquaintance of the red giant Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion the Hunter this month — a strange, irregular, enormous variable star — and make it your homeschool friend for life.
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Capella and Auriga for January
Make the acquaintance of Capella in the constellation Auriga the Charioteer this month — a nearby four-star system and one of the brightest lights in the northern hemisphere night sky — and make it your homeschool friend for life.
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Aldebaran and Taurus for December
Make the acquaintance of the ancient red giant Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus the Bull this month — one of the brightest stars in the northern hemisphere sky — and make it your homeschool friend for life.
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Algol and Perseus for November
Make the acquaintance of the strange variable star Algol this month — “the demon star” in the constellation Perseus the Hero and one of the brightest stars in the northern hemisphere sky — and make it your homeschool friend for life.
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Alpheratz and Andromeda for October
Make the acquaintance of the young double star Alpheratz in the constellation Andromeda this month — one of the brightest stars in the northern hemisphere sky — and make it your homeschool friend for life.
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Deneb for September and the New Homeschool Year
Get the new homeschool year off to a stellar start by making a new friend this month: the giant star Deneb in the constellation Cygnus the Swan, one of the brightest stars in the northern hemisphere night sky.
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Vega for August and the End of the Homeschool Year
Make one last homeschool friend for the summer: our blue-white neighbor-star Vega in the constellation Lyra the Lyre, one of the brightest stars in the northern hemisphere night sky.
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Arcturus and Boötes for July
Introduce your homeschool students to the ancient orange giant Arcturus in the constellation Boötes the Herdsman this month, one of the brightest stars in the northern hemisphere’s night sky, and make it their friend for life.
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Spica and Virgo for June
Make the acquaintance of the young blue-white giant Spica in the constellation Virgo this month, one of the brightest stars in the northern hemisphere sky, and make it your homeschool friend for life.
🖋 🌟 WONDERFUL WORDS: Hymn to the North Star
“A beauteous type of that unchanging good, / That bright eternal beacon, by whose ray / The voyager of time should shape his heedful way.” (An extra astronomical homeschool poem-of-the-week, from William Cullen Bryant, for Polaris, our Great Star for the month of May.)
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Polaris and Ursa Minor for May
Make the acquaintance of the pole star Polaris in the constellation Ursa Minor this month, one of the most important stars in the northern hemisphere sky, and make it your homeschool friend and sky-mark for life.
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Regulus and Leo for April
Make the acquaintance of “the little king” Regulus in the constellation Leo the Lion this month, one of the brightest stars in the northern hemisphere night sky, and make it your homeschool friend for life.