Great homeschool teaching tips and wonderful little lessons for the week ahead, including: Bird counts, dead parrots, celestial scientists, stellar sonnets, classical composers, Lesotho rivers, a toast to General Washington, and more!
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Arkansas, Lebanon, Libya, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Arkansas, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, and Libya. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
Remembering one of the great minds of history, the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (1564–1642), on the anniversary of his birth.
🖋 🌠 WONDERFUL WORDS: The Truly Great
“Born of the sun, they travelled a short while toward the sun / And left the vivid air signed with their honour.” (Our transmigrational homeschool poem-of-the-week, from Stephen Spender, for the great birthdays of February.)
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the Woodpeckers!
🇺🇸 🦋 HOMESCHOOL HISTORY: Lincoln and Darwin (and Horace)
Our recommended homeschool history encyclopedia is just the thing you need on a notable anniversary like today: the birthday of both Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin (in the same year, 1809).
Our February full-moon report on the many “citizen-science” projects around the world that you and your students can participate in from the comfort of your little home academy. Pick one and get started today!
🇺🇸 WEEKLY AMERICAN HERITAGE: Gateway Arch National Park
For America’s 250th anniversary, discover the history and landscape of the United States. This week: Gateway Arch National Park in Missouri.
📚 LEARNING THE LIBRARY: Dewey Detectives at Home
Did you know there are secret Dewey Decimal numbers hidden in the books on your very own bookshelves? It’s true! Here’s how you can send your homeschool students on a treasure hunt to find them.
🗓 QUICK FRESHES for Homeschool Families – Week of 9 February 2025
Great homeschool teaching tips and wonderful little lessons for the week ahead, including: Bird counts, Valentine’s Days, amazing meteors, great artists, great scientists, great poems, national parks, Latvian rivers, a toast to love, and more!
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Missouri, Kuwait, Latvia, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Missouri, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, and Latvia. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🖋 ❤️ WONDERFUL WORDS: “Unwind the solemn twine, and tie my Valentine!”
“Awake ye muses nine, sing me a strain divine!” (Our romantic homeschool poem-of-the-week, from Emily Dickinson, for Valentine Week.)
🗓 ⚗️ HOMESCHOOL SCIENCE: Happy Birthday, Dmitri! (Mendeleev, that is)
The father of the Periodic Table of the Elements, the great Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev, was born on this day in 1834 near Tobolsk, Siberia. Here are some clever educational ways to remember him in your homeschool.
🌟 STAR BRIGHT: Betelgeuse and Orion for February
Make the acquaintance of the red giant Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion the Hunter this month — a strange, irregular, enormous variable star — and make it your homeschool friend for life.
🦅 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Trogons and Kingfishers
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the tropical Trogons and the piscivorous Kingfishers.
📸 PHOTO CHALLENGE for February: “Absence” and “Healthy Living”
Calling all homeschool photographers! The Wikimedia Commons Photo Challenge is a great way for enthusiastic homeschool photography students to develop their skills and gain some recognition for their work. This month’s themes are “Absence” and “Healthy Living.” Take a look!
🇺🇸 WEEKLY AMERICAN HERITAGE: Saint Croix Island International Historic Site
For America’s 250th anniversary, discover the history and landscape of the United States. This week: Saint Croix Island International Historic Site in Maine.
📚 LEARNING THE LIBRARY: The Linguistic 400s
Explore your local library and the whole universe of knowledge with our homeschool tour of the Dewey Decimal System. This month: the Linguistic 400s.
⏚ 🐖 HOMESCHOOL HOLIDAYS: Happy Groundhog Day!
Happy mid-point of astronomical winter to northern-hemisphere homeschoolers everywhere! In other words, Happy Groundhog Day!
🗓 QUICK FRESHES for Homeschool Families – Week of 2 February 2025
Great homeschool teaching tips and wonderful little lessons for the week ahead, including: Coloring books, bird counts, welcome strangers, Valentine poems, Dewey decimals, integrated circuits. Kosovan rivers, a toast to winter, and more!
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Maine, Kiribati, Kosovo, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Maine, Kiribati, North Korea, South Korea, and Kosovo. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🖋 ❄️ WONDERFUL WORDS: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
“The woods are lovely, dark and deep, / But I have promises to keep, / And miles to go before I sleep, / And miles to go before I sleep.” (Our metrical homeschool poem-of-the-week, from Robert Frost, for wintry February — with a special lesson on rhyme-scheme mapping!)
🔭 WATCHERS OF THE SKIES: Homeschool Astronomy for February
Our homeschool review of the educational wonders that you and your students can watch for in the northern hemisphere night sky during the month of February.
🗓 💕 💐 HAPPY HOMESCHOOL FEBRUARY from the River Houses!
Happy homeschool February! Here are some little lessons, teaching traditions, and wonderful educational opportunities you and your students can watch for this month.
🐦 NATURE NOTES: Join the Great Backyard Bird Count!
Get your homeschool naturalists involved in the Great Backyard Bird Count, an annual international survey that will let you and your students make a real contribution to science. It’s one of the best educational nature activities your can do all year.
🦉 FRIDAY BIRD FAMILIES: Barn Owls and Typical Owls
Come along on our homeschool tour of North American birds and pick up some great science and natural history lessons along the way. This week: the Barn Owls and the Typical Owls.
🇺🇸 WEEKLY AMERICAN HERITAGE: Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site
For America’s 250th anniversary, discover the history and landscape of the United States. This week: Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site in Alabama.