Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: West Virginia, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, and Poland. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌐 Homeschool Geography: States, Countries, History, Maps, & More
Come, here’s the map.
Great homeschool teaching tips and easy little lessons on geography from the River Houses Homeschool Network. Print your own homeschool calendars and planners on our River Houses calendar page, and subscribe to our free homeschool newsletter to get more posts like these delivered right to your mailbox every week. 📫
❡ States, countries, & world treasures: These Homeschool Geography lessons includes two special series: our Sunday States & Countries posts that take you on an annual homeschool tour the U.S. states and the nations of the world, and our Weekly World Heritage posts that invite you to visit a different World Heritage Site every week. Follow either one of these miniature curricula for just a few minutes each week with a standard atlas and almanac and you’ll enrich your students’ understanding of geography and history all through the year.
🌏 🇵🇬 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Kuk Agricultural Site in Papua New Guinea
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the Kuk Early Agricultural Site in Papua New Guinea.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Kansas, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Kansas, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, and Papua New Guinea. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌍 🇳🇴 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Prehistoric Rock Art of Alta in Norway
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the Prehistoric Rock Art of Alta in Norway.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Oregon, Nigeria, Oman, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Oregon, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Norway, and Oman. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Minnesota, the Netherlands, Niger, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Minnesota, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, and Niger. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌏 🇲🇲 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Ancient Pyu Cities of Myanmar
Pay a visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our homeschool countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the Ancient Pyu City-States of Myanmar.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: California, Myanmar, Nepal, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: California, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, and Nepal. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌍 🇲🇿 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Island of Mozambique
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the Island of Mozambique.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Wisconsin, Mongolia, Mozambique, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Wisconsin, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, and Mozambique. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌎 🇲🇽 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Rock Art of Baja California in Mexico
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the ancient Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco in Mexico.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Iowa, Mexico, Monaco, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Iowa, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, and Monaco. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌍 🇲🇺 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Aapravasi Ghat in Mauritius
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the historic Aapravasi Ghat (immigration depot) in Mauritius.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Texas, Malta, Mauritius, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Texas, Malta, the Marshall Islands, Mauritania, and Mauritius. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌍 🇲🇼 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: Lake Malawi National Park in Malawi
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: Lake Malawi National Park in Malawi.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Florida, Malawi, Mali, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Florida, Malawi, Malaysia, the Maldives, and Mali. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌍 🇱🇺 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Old City of Luxembourg
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the Old Quarters and Fortifications of Luxembourg City.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Michigan, Liechtenstein, Madagascar, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Michigan, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Madagascar. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌍 🇱🇸 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: Maloti-Drakensberg Park in Lesotho
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: Maloti-Drakensberg Park in Lesotho.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Arkansas, Lebanon, Libya, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Arkansas, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, and Libya. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌏 🇱🇦 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Megalithic Jars of Xiengkhuang in Laos
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the ancient Megalithic Jars of Xiengkhuang in Laos.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Missouri, Kuwait, Latvia, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Missouri, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, and Latvia. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌏 🇰🇮 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Phoenix Islands in Kiribati
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Maine, Kiribati, Kosovo, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Maine, Kiribati, North Korea, South Korea, and Kosovo. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌏 🇯🇵 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: The Monuments of Ancient Nara in Japan
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara in Japan.
🌎 🇺🇸 SUNDAY STATES: Alabama, Japan, Kenya, and More
Take a homeschool tour of the U.S. states and the countries of the world with the River Houses. This week: Alabama, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, and Kenya. Open up your atlas and almanac and follow along with us!
🌍 🇮🇪 WEEKLY WORLD HERITAGE: Sceilg Mhichíl in Ireland
Pay a homeschool visit to a World Heritage Site from one of our countries-of-the-week and learn some great history and geography along the way. This week: the ancient island-monastery of Skellig Michael in Ireland — and its mysterious inhabitant!